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The Privacy Manager Club

Where Privacy Pros Learn and Grow Together

Join a unique program combining expert-led courses, coaching and community to advance your privacy career

Get 20% discount until 13 October with code INTRO20

Snapshot of The Privacy Manager Club

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Andreea’s signature Privacy Program Management Course

Through my comprehensive online course you'll master the principles and practices of privacy management. Build a strong foundation with in-depth lessons, real-world examples, and content designed to solidify your knowledge.


Community - member forum and chat

Group coaching takes place in the community, but you can also connect anytime with fellow participants, create study groups, discuss common issues and more! The community allows you to share ideas, ask questions, and build a supportive group outside of the coaching calls, ensuring continuous learning and networking throughout your journey.

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Weekly group coaching calls

Join the weekly group coaching calls, where you can engage in live discussions, receive Andreea's expert guidance, and collaborate on real-world privacy challenges. These interactive sessions are designed to deepen your understanding and ensure you’re gaining practical, actionable knowledge.


1:1 coaching with Andreea

The 1:1 coaching sessions are designed for you to receive personalized feedback and insights tailored to your career needs.

In this stage, you’ll hone your skills, address specific challenges, and refine your expertise, preparing you for mastery in privacy management.


A Program Designed for Privacy Specialists in a Global Context

This program is designed for existing or aspiring data protection officers, privacy managers, data protection specialists, privacy officers and similar roles, as well as lawyers (external or in-house) who are engaged in - or preparing to take on - the practical, day-to-day responsibilities of privacy compliance.

This program does not focus on what are the legal obligations to protect personal data. Instead, it’s designed to equip you with the understanding of the methods, processes, and resources necessary to effectively manage and execute privacy compliance in practice. The focus is on the real-world implementation - how to make privacy compliance happen in your organization, regardless of jurisdiction, ensuring your privacy program runs smoothly and efficiently.


Gain actionable strategies for managing privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions, without getting bogged down by country-specific laws.


Designed specifically for (aspiring) privacy professionals who need practical guidance to navigate complex global environments.


Focus on practical execution and actionable steps that seamlessly integrate into your business operations.


Master Global Privacy Compliance Without the Overwhelm

Knowing what the law requires is one thing, but becoming a true privacy professional goes beyond that. No one can be an expert in every applicable law, but my program will equip you with the practical skills and strategies needed to implement privacy programs effectively and manage them confidently on a global scale - while knowing when and where to seek expert advice.

Tackle Global Complexity

Learn to streamline your workflow and effectively manage privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions with consistent, clear strategies.

Keep Up with Changes

Learn to stay ahead of evolving privacy regulations and adapt your compliance approach without the overwhelm.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Learn to cut through the noise with efficient processes that balance daily compliance tasks with strategic program management.

Focus on Practical Implementation

Move beyond paper compliance and learn how to implement privacy laws in a way that drives real, effective compliance. 

Align Compliance with Business 

Master how to build privacy programs that not only meet regulatory requirements but also support your organisation's business goals.

Overcome Isolation

Connect with peers, get answers and share insights through weekly group coaching calls, so you’re not navigating privacy challenges alone.


A Program Designed for Privacy Specialists in a Global Context

This program is designed for existing or aspiring data protection officers, privacy managers, data protection specialists, privacy officers and similar roles, as well as lawyers (external or in-house) who are engaged in - or preparing to take on - the practical, day-to-day responsibilities of privacy compliance.

This program does not focus on what are the legal obligations to protect personal data. Instead, it’s designed to equip you with the understanding of the methods, processes, and resources necessary to effectively manage and execute privacy compliance in practice. The focus is on the real-world implementation - how to make privacy compliance happen in your organization, regardless of jurisdiction, ensuring your privacy program runs smoothly and efficiently.

People Walking

Gain actionable strategies for managing privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions, without getting bogged down by country-specific laws.


Designed specifically for (aspiring) privacy professionals who need practical guidance to navigate complex global environments.


Focus on practical execution and actionable steps that seamlessly integrate into your business operations.


Master Global Privacy Compliance Without the Overwhelm

Knowing what the law requires is one thing, but becoming a true privacy professional goes beyond that. No one can be an expert in every applicable law, but my program will equip you with the practical skills and strategies needed to implement privacy programs effectively and manage them confidently on a global scale - while knowing when and where to seek expert advice.


Tackle Global Complexity

Learn to streamline your workflow and effectively manage privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions with consistent, clear strategies.

Keep Up with Changes

Learn to stay ahead of evolving privacy regulations and adapt your compliance approach without the overwhelm.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Learn to cut through the noise with efficient processes that balance daily compliance tasks with strategic program management.

Focus on Practical Implementation

Move beyond paper compliance and learn how to implement privacy laws in a way that drives real, effective compliance. 

Align Compliance with Business 

Master how to build privacy programs that not only meet regulatory requirements but also support your organisation's business goals.

Overcome Isolation

Connect with peers, get answers and share insights through weekly group coaching calls, so you’re not navigating privacy challenges alone.

Why Join The Privacy Manager Club

Rapid learning

I created the privacy management course inside the Club after dealing with managing privacy programs in global corporations. 

There's no fuzz and everything has a practical approach. 

It will skyrocket your skills in no time!

Global reach

Business is almost never limited to a single jurisdiction, and thus the privacy program can't be either. 

The Privacy Manager Club was created with global business in mind, benefitting from my expertise on the ground in several of them. 

Better together

In The Privacy Manager Club, you're not just advancing your own expertise, you gain insights from the experiences and strategies of other members and myself.

This is one of the biggest benefits of a community – we can all elevate each other.

Your new privacy peer group is here!

In The Privacy Manager Club, I'll support you through:

Active participation

Expect to hear from me often, not only in the weekly coaching calls but also in between – I am extremely active in the forum and direct messages.

Expert-level training resources

You will have access to my world-class privacy program management course, and additionally I curate the best training resources to help you achieve top level expertise for your privacy career.

Weekly live sessions

I host live group sessions each week, and 1:1s every other week. I also organise periodic masterclasses on topics of interest.

Personalised Insights

The Privacy Manager Club is where I can tailor my experience and insight to you and your specific situation.


Achieve Privacy Mastery With My Structured Learning Path

Move from foundational learning to expert application with a program designed for your success

Done For You. The Course

Learn privacy program management in my signature course

Everything you need to deal with the challenges of a global privacy program has been baked into this course. 
There's no fuzz and everything has a practical approach, without being limited to things that are included in certification exams.

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Done For You

Dive into my comprehensive online course where you'll master the principles and practices of privacy management.


Build a strong foundation with in-depth lessons, real-world examples, and content designed to solidify your knowledge.

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Done With You

Join group coaching sessions and the community where you'll collaborate with peers to discuss what you've learned, apply your knowledge to case studies, and deepen your understanding through guided discussions.

This stage ensures you're ready to tackle evolving privacy challenges, be it from changes in laws or in your job scope.

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Done By You

My 1:1 coaching sessions are designed for you to receive personalized feedback and insights tailored to your progress.

In this stage, you’ll hone your skills, address specific challenges, and refine your expertise, preparing you for mastery in privacy management.

This is the space to introduce the Services section. 

1:1 guidance and support

This is the space to introduce the Services section. 

Suggest and vote topics

This is the space to introduce the Services section. 

Self paced learning

This is the space to introduce the Services section. 

Curated Updates

This is the space to introduce the Services section. 

Ask, Answer and Discuss

Privacy Risk Management and the Risk-Based Approach
  1. What is a Privacy Risk?

  2. What Does Risk-Based Approach Mean?

  3. Risk Tolerance/Appetite

  4. Risk Management Roles

Policy Setting
  1. Which policies do you need and why?

  2. Beyond paper compliance – policies in practice

Inventory of Personal Data / Processing Activities
  1. What should you document – the data or the activities?

  2. How to create the inventory?

  3. Keeping it current – good practices.

Ensuring Lawfulness of Processing
  1. What are the lawfulness requirements for your company’s activities?

  2. Loop in lawfulness checks into new or changed processing activities

Ensuring Transparency / Notices
  1. What are the requirements your notices should meet and when?

  2. Making notices an effective compliance instrument

  3. Who drafts the notices?

  4. Managing notices

Embedding privacy into operations & Privacy by Design
  1. Incorporating privacy into business processes

  2. Principles of Privacy by Design and what to do about them

Managing Data Transfers
  1. Lawfulness of Transfers – which way do they go?

  2. Transfer Instruments and Derived Complications

Privacy Training and Awareness
  1. Developing privacy training programs

  2. Tailoring training to different audiences

  3. Measuring training effectiveness

  4. Training in the privacy team

Managing Information Security Risks
  1. Intersection of privacy and information security

  2. Identifying and mitigating security risks

Managing Third Party Risk
  1. Supplier Due Diligence

  2. Contractual Terms

Managing Requests and Complaints from Individuals
  1. Key prerequisites – applicable law and responsible entity

  2. Rights requests vs. complaints – who handles what?

  3. Good practices in responding

  4. Maintaining records of requests and resolutions

Managing Incidents and Data Breaches
  1. Incident and data breach response plans

  2. What is the role of the privacy team

  3. Legal privilege

  4. Notifying data protection authorities

  5. Communicating with affected individuals

  6. Post-incident analysis and improvement

Monitoring for Changes, Keeping current
  1. Monitoring regulatory changes and adapting the privacy program accordingly

  2. Monitoring changes in the processing

  3. Proactive adaptation of privacy practices.

Measuring Performance of the Privacy Program, Reporting to the Board
  1. Metrics for privacy program performance

  2. Conducting privacy program maturity assessments

  3. When and what to Report

Data Protection Audits, Certification
  1. Preparing for data protection audits

  2. Internal vs. external audits

  3. Pursuing privacy certifications


What students say



Working with privacy and data protection has been life-changing, all thanks to Andreea. She was my inspiration to dive into this field. Andreea has an incredible ability to translate the hardest and most abstract concepts into real-life application. Unlike other courses, I can always immediately apply the knowledge I gain. 



I highly recommend this course for every privacy professional, not matter your level. You will still learn something from this course, I promise you.

United States

Andreea provided the best training that I have received since joining privacy.  Everything was perfect, the slides, the pace, the explanations, clarifications and her calm, confident and professional manner of communication. 

20% discount until 13 October

How The Privacy Manager Club Works


The perfect level up in your privacy game

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The course inside The Privacy Manager Club is designed to provide you with comprehensive, real-world knowledge about privacy management that you can immediately apply in your organization. Unlike exam-focused training, which often revolves around memorizing specific information to pass a test, this program emphasizes a deeper understanding of privacy management and how to implement it effectively in practice.

    A quick comparison between the course outline and the CIPM body of knowledge shows that all relevant topics should be covered during the course. However, this course is not tailored for the CIPM exam. You will gain knowledge in areas such as privacy program governance, operational privacy, and risk management, and the primary goal is to equip you with practical, actionable skills, not just to prepare you for an exam which may prioritize theoretical knowledge and test-taking strategies.

    That said, through group coaching calls and individual 1:1 sessions, you can receive tailored support if you're preparing for the CIPM exam. This allows you to focus on areas you might need extra guidance in, while still ensuring that your learning is grounded in practical application. Keep in mind that no course guarantees a passing score.

  • Yes, participants will receive a certificate upon completing the course - progress is measured automatically in the course platform. There are no certificates for the group or individual coaching.

  • Many organizations allow training expenses to be reimbursed, but it's best to check with your company’s policies.


    When you purchase The Privacy Manager Club you will receive an invoice that complies with EU VAT rules. Depending on your employer’s practices, you can directly use your employer’s information so that the cost is tax deductible for them, or use your own details and then apply for reimbursement from your employer.


    If you are a business owner you will be able to use this invoice directly into your accounting.

  • Yes, discounts are available for students and job seekers. Please send me an email at for more details on how to apply.

  • Yes, the course is eligible for CPE credits. Check with your certification body for specific requirements. 

  • Access to the course will start on 14 October, and the weekly group coaching calls will follow shortly thereafter. However, the community is open from the moment you enroll, so feel free to dive in, introduce yourself, and start connecting with fellow privacy professionals right away!

  • The online course inside The Privacy Manager Club consists of a series of pre-recorded video lectures that you can go through at your own pace, allowing you to learn when it fits your schedule. Most lectures come with additional resources and detailed information to help you dive deeper into the topics. You’ll also have access to downloadable slides to support your learning and reference key points as you progress through the material.

  • Group coaching sessions are held weekly on Thursdays at 4 PM CET. Click here to convert this to your local time. During these sessions, we discuss key privacy management topics, share experiences, and solve challenges together. If you're in a timezone that makes it difficult to attend, don't worry - I will create an additional session to accommodate participants in regions further away, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the group coaching experience.

  • This program requires a basic understanding of privacy legal obligations, though not necessarily under GDPR. In terms of privacy program management skills, it is suitable from beginners to experienced professionals looking to enhance their practical skills.

  • While familiarity with GDPR or other privacy regulations is helpful, the course focuses more on the practical aspects of implementing privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions. You’ll learn how to manage privacy programs globally without needing to be an expert in every law yourself.

  • This course is designed for participants who already have a basic understanding of privacy legal obligations, such as those under GDPR or other privacy frameworks. While legal obligations will be mentioned and referenced throughout the course, the focus is on how to translate these requirements into effective privacy program management. You will learn how to implement and operationalize privacy obligations rather than studying the legal texts in detail.

    For those who are new to privacy laws, it's important to have foundational knowledge beforehand, as this course is geared towards practical application rather than a deep dive into legal specifics. This connects with the earlier question on skill level, where a basic understanding of privacy law is needed, but the course caters to all levels in terms of program management expertise.

  • While it’s possible to learn privacy management principles on your own, this program allows you to leverage over 12 years of my hands-on knowledge and experience in the field, saving you time by offering practical, actionable insights. Instead of piecing together information from various sources, you’ll follow a clear, guided path designed to help you master privacy program management in real-world scenarios.

    Additionally, in the coaching components will provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique challenges and goals -something self-study can’t offer. There you also have access to a community of peers, where you can exchange ideas, share experiences, and troubleshoot problems together, which greatly enhances your learning experience.

    While self-learning can provide theoretical knowledge, this course focuses on developing the hands-on skills and practical strategies needed to implement privacy programs effectively in your organization. With optional coaching and ongoing support, you won’t be left to navigate the complexities of privacy management on your own.

  • The Privacy Manager Club stands out because it goes beyond theory and legal frameworks, focusing on the real-world, practical skills you need to effectively manage privacy programs. Instead of merely teaching the legal texts or compliance checklists, this program equips you with strategies to actually implement, maintain, and scale privacy programs in dynamic, global environments.


    Drawing from over 12 years of experience, I share insights and best practices that I’ve personally applied in diverse industries. You’ll learn how to manage privacy across various business contexts, translating legal requirements into actionable steps that drive real compliance, not just paper compliance.


    The added options for coaching and community also provide tailored support to address your specific challenges, setting this course apart from standard programs.

  • This course equips you with tools and strategies specifically designed for managing privacy programs across multiple jurisdictions, where laws and regulations often conflict or overlap. Rather than focusing on individual country-specific laws, the course inside The Privacy Manager Club emphasizes a global approach, teaching you how to develop consistent privacy practices that comply with various regulations. You’ll learn how to adapt your privacy program to meet different legal requirements, while maintaining efficiency and consistency across borders. With guidance on practical execution, the course ensures that you’re not just aware of the laws, but that you know how to apply them globally - creating privacy programs that are flexible, scalable, and sustainable in a fast-changing regulatory landscape.

  • While the core content is applicable to a broad range of industries, this program offers flexible options for personalization through the group and 1:1 coaching sessions. These sessions allow us to address the specific challenges you face in your industry or company. Whether you're working in tech, healthcare, retail, or another sector, you’ll receive guidance that directly applies to your unique context.

    It’s important to factor in any confidentiality obligations when discussing company-specific matters. If you need to maintain confidentiality around sensitive issues, consider opting for 1:1 coaching sessions, which offer a private space to dive deeper into your organization's unique needs. This ensures that you can receive personalized advice while keeping proprietary or sensitive information secure. Even if you don't purchase the Premium membership, as a member of The Privacy Manager Club you can purchase one-off individual sessions, outside of my usual subscriptions.

  • While The Privacy Manager Club isn’t specifically designed for any one legal environment, the principles of privacy program management taught in the course are applicable to organizations operating both within the EU and internationally. The program focuses on the core skills and strategies needed to adapt and scale privacy programs across different regulatory frameworks, making it highly relevant to professionals in any legal setting. I have successfully trained privacy professionals from both EU and international organizations, equipping them with the tools to manage compliance effectively, regardless of jurisdiction. You’ll learn how to implement privacy management practices that can be tailored to various legal requirements, ensuring you’re prepared for the challenges of global privacy management.

⚡Access to the Privacy Management Course (6 months)

⚡Certificate upon completion

⚡Use as CPE for professional memberships 

⚡One 90 minute 1:1 session with Andreea


1:1 COACHING Not included

799 EUR + VAT


639 EUR + VAT

⚡Access to the Privacy Management Course (6 months)

⚡Certificate upon completion

⚡Use as CPE for professional memberships



GROUP COACHING 3 months (renewable) 

⚡Weekly group coaching calls

⚡Members-only community forum

⚡Topic-focused workshops

1:1 COACHING 3 months (renewable)

⚡60 minutes biweekly with Andreea

1879 EUR + VAT


2349 EUR + VAT

* Availability for Premium Plan is shown at checkout

Choose your plan

IMPORTANT: Access to all levels starts on 14 October 2024. Take advantage of the 20% discount until then with code INTRO20 (pre-applied at checkout)

⚡Access to the Privacy Management Course (6 months)

⚡Certificate upon completion

⚡Use as CPE for professional memberships



GROUP COACHING 6 months (renewable)

⚡Weekly group coaching calls

⚡Members-only community forum

⚡Topic-focused workshops

1:1 COACHING Not included

1359 EUR + VAT


1699 EUR + VAT

Access to the online course (6 months)

Certificate upon completion

Use as CPE for professional memberships



GROUP COACHING 3 months (renewable) 

⚡Weekly group coaching calls

⚡Members-only community forum

⚡Topic-focused workshops

1:1 COACHING Not included

479 EUR + VAT

Group Coaching Only

599 EUR + VAT

Intro to Privacy Governance
  1. What is privacy management

  2. Structuring the Privacy Team​

  3. Privacy Frameworks​

  4. Coping with Multiple Applicable Laws

  5. The role of ethics

Building a Privacy Culture
  1. Importance of Privacy Culture

  2. Strategies for fostering a privacy-aware culture

I am a privacy lawyer based in Sweden, working with EU data protection matters and their effects globally. I am also a lecturer and mentor in data protection law and privacy program management, both at Maastricht University’s European Center for Privacy and Cybersecurity as well as at PrivacyCraft, the boutique I founded in 2024 and where I lead training and mentorship programs for privacy professionals. I also publish The Privacy & AI Explorer, a weekly newsletter covering news and insights into developments in the field of privacy, cybersecurity and AI.


I have worked as an outside counsel for most of my career, having advised on data protection matters since the very early stages of cloud computing emergence. I switched to leading in-house roles in 2019 - working for Volvo Cars and then Boeing, seeing the data protection compliance world both as a controller and as a processor in some very challenging global projects. In 2024 I moved back into consulting but with a focus on sharing my knowledge about the real-life challenges of privacy program management in a global context that doesn’t end where GDPR stops to apply.


Originally from Romania, I got my law degree from the University of Bucharest with a stint at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. I have been designated as a Fellow of Information Privacy by the IAPP, and hold certifications as privacy professional and privacy program manager from IAPP, as well as data protection officer from Maastricht University's ECPC.


Meet Your New Privacy Career Bestie

Andreea Lisievici Nevin 

CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP, certified DPO

Done With You. The Group Coaching

Weekly group coaching

Benefit from guided discussions led by me within our community, where I provide insights, answer your questions, and steer the conversation to ensure you’re gaining practical, actionable knowledge. 

Ask, Answer and Discuss

The community is the heart of The Privacy Manager Club, where group coaching sessions and topic-focused workshops take place. It's not just a place for networking, but an active, collaborative space where you engage with peers and experts in real time.


The group sessions and community will allow you to engage with a network of peers where you'll  discuss real-world scenarios, and learn from diverse perspectives, enhancing your understanding of privacy management.

Preparing for a certification exam? The community will help you rock it!

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Suggest and vote topics

As a group coaching participant, you'll have the ability to suggest and vote on topics for future masterclasses and workshops, ensuring the content is tailored to your needs and interests.

Topic-focused workshops

I will periodically organize these masterclasses and workshops, and as a participant in the group coaching program (excl. Basic), you can attend them for free. This gives you ongoing opportunities to deepen your expertise at no additional cost.

Group coaching and workshops are held within our community, ensuring you get real-time guidance and peer support.

With 1:1 coaching, you get personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and focused support to help you overcome challenges, accelerate your growth, and reach your career goals with confidence.

Individual coaching can also be purchased separately from The Privacy Manager Club, please see here.


My individual coaching sessions are designed for you to receive personalized feedback and insights tailored to your situation and your progress.

It is particularly suitable if you are making a change in your career - either by entering into privacy or by taking on a more comprehensive role, or if you want individual mentoring on the professional issues you are facing. 

Done By You. 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring

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